Idea fondamentale della nostra impresa
Una certa impresa deve essere una certa vita quotidiana. In relazione della
nostra impresa,
siccome la sua partenza era l’Italia, quindi anche la sua idea fondamentale, la
base della sua
vita deve essre all’italiana, all’Europa, al latino. Soprattutto all’italiana.
Se cioe’ cosi’, abbiamo solo tre verbi da costruire per realizzare nostra nuova
Fundamental philosophy of our company
Any company should have a way of corporate life. In respect of our company, since its departure was from Italy, then its fundamental mission is based on the way of life in Italy, Europe and Latin, especially like Italianized.
If this is right, we have only three verbs to be to carry out our mission.
That is “Singing, Eating and Loving”. We sing toward the future, we eat anything pleasantly and we love neighbors beyond fences and borders.
Our company, by conflating these three fundamental verbs, gives everyone ultimate happiness.